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AMI (Association Montessori Internationale / USA) Primary Diploma, MS in Molecular Biology, University of Naples

Anna is a biologist with a funny Italian accent who loves to bake - and eat - desserts, discover new places, and enjoy the little things.

Anna has lived all her life in Italy, where she studied to become a biologist. Since she was a child, she has always had a lot of questions about the world around her, and she spent a lot of time trying to find answers to those questions. She obtained her Masters of Science in Molecular Biology from the University of Naples and she has spent years working in a lab, extracting DNA and proteins from tiny organisms. Recently Anna moved to the USA and decided that all what she learned wasn’t meaningful unless it was shared. Her goal is to make every child love wondering and discovering the beauty of nature as much as she does. She is also studying Glottodidattica, a specific course for Italian native speakers to teach this amazing language to non-native Italians.

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